Love and Marriage

I was Caught Having an Emotional Affair that I Didn’t Know I was Having

Rachel Walsh
7 min readNov 17, 2021

Here’s how it’s going so far.

Photo by saeed karimi on Unsplash

My phone rang.

That seemingly innocuous tune filled the air just as it had a million times before.

My husband reached for my phone to hand it to me.

I had no reason to worry, so I thought… until I heard my husband say, “Why is he calling you?”

He was a mutual acquaintance of ours that we had known for years, and as far as my husband was concerned he had no business calling me, but unbeknownst to my husband, he had become one of my closest friends over the past year.

I froze like a deer in the headlights and I tried very hard to act like it was no big deal, but my husband's intense demeanor shifted me into panic mode and I began to stammer.

What was wrong with me, I thought. I hadn’t done anything wrong, we were just friends, I really had no reason to be nervous… at least that’s what I had convinced myself of. Why hadn’t I mentioned to my husband that we had become good friends, anyway?

That was the day I realized I had been emotionally unfaithful to my husband…. and it took getting caught for me to admit it.

How Did it Start



Rachel Walsh

“The definition of greatness is to inspire the people next to you… It’s not something that lives and dies with one person.” — Kobe Bryant — I write to inspire.